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Tank crashing need help


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My tanks is suffering from a mini crash and I cannot seem to get it locked down. I introduced some frags a month ago and all but one is alive. I got this elegance coral at the same time and up until a week ago it was doing great. All the frags I lost were sps that stn'd out. I also have a favia that is about dead and this elegance that looks terrible. 

 Right after I got those frags I had an issue with dosing and my alk  jumped from 8.3 to 9 and back down to 8.3 then back to 9.3 in a matter of 2 weeks. I did not dip the corals before introducing (my dumb mistake) so I am unsure if this is caused from the fluctuation in alk or something the other corals may have brought in.

 I have also been battling excessively high phosphates that on my API kit(only one I have) real .25 to .50ppm. I borrowed a salifert kit from a buddy and it read the same thing. Funny thing is that they have been high a while before all this and the corals were doing the best I had seen since it's inception almost 2 years ago.

 This is the first time I am dealing with this and am baffles on what the problem is. Any advice and info on what could be going on would be greatly appreciated. The elegance coral looks like it's pooping, it's shriveled up, and just above the mouth it looks like it has a wound. Thanks


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  • 1 month later...

Elegance corals just die for no apparent reason all the time.  Seems like there are some success cases these days, but it used to be the case that you could count on 100% of Elagence corals to do this after purchase.   Can't speak to the other corals though.


High phosphates isn't the problem.   


A one-point alkalinity variation from 8.3 to 9.3 (or vis versa) over the course of a week isn't a problem either....though I'd recommend daily testing and dosing versus weekly.  Problems start showing up when alk dips under 7 dKH....even then it's not always a big problem.   A one-point swing over the course of one dose might be a different story, but even then I wouldn't assume disaster....I've made adjustment doses that large several times over the years.


So I'd keep looking for a cause.


How low was alkalinity when you first started dosing?


What alk supplement are you using and how are you dosing it?


Can we get a full tank shot? 


What were the other frags?

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