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need a 3rd fish for a 20 long


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Hey there all,


I have a 20 long FOWLR whose current inhabitants include a true perc and a baby tassle filefish (about 1.25 inches long - needs to grow before going into the 75). I'd like to add another fish, but am not sure what. Originally I was going to get a 6 line, but I'm worried it may be too aggressive. Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.


Tank specs

20 long

2 x aquaclear 150 with chemipure

Lees protein skimmer (thing acutally works :) whouda thunk it)

2 x 50 watt heaters

3 x mini PH (1 pointed at the surface for increased agitation)

30 lbs live rock and 25 lbs live sand


Other inhabitants

CB shrimp

3 x pepermint shrimp

various snails

blue leg hermits

strombus conch

orange decorator crab (spongehead?)

staghorn hermit who has abandoned his shell for another home

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i have a six line wrasse w/ a scooter blenny and a maroon clown in my 20 long...there was a little confrontation but the maroon just held its ground...no probs since...oh and the scooter just doesnt pay any attention to either...he is just constantly eating

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You have tons of options. Even though you can get away with putting a 6 Line in a 20 long, I still prefer them in bigger tanks (just my opinion).


Fish to consider:



Royal Gramma

Clown Goby

Scooter Blennie

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Thank you for the feed back.


I'm concerned that the 6 line may be too aggressive and harass the tassle filefish. I like royal grammas, but was told that they tend to hang out by their home/cave and not swim around that much. I was hoping to find something that would liven up the tank a bit.

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The tassled filefish died - no idea why. It was fine for 2 weeks and then it was on the bottom of the tank. Oy :( Anyway I now need to get a 3rd fish again. Currently I have a true perc and a fairy wrasse. Any suggestions? - no more wrasses or clowns. I'd prefer something that swims around a lot or has a lot of personality. Maybe some kind of blennie or gobie?

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Blennies and gobies generally do not swim around a lot...they like to swim a little, then perch on a rock or polyps. Just chilling around most of the time. They usually also stay low to the bottom. And many like to stay in their burrows for the most part.


But in terms of personality...they got TONS of it!


Firefish, once acclimated and adjusted to its settings will swim around a lot in the open. A lot more towards the top and such too....more than gobies and blennies at least.

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You have so many options. I would personnaly recommend a bi color blenny because not only is it a great algae eater it also has a very attractive coloratiion. This would be a perfect addition.

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cornstar - No problems with the CB and peppermints


tigahboy - Funny, I remember reading the opposite... that the 6 were more docile than the 4. Got a reference for me? It may be my memory that's off. ;)

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