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Coral Vue Hydros

An Unidentified WORM!


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Hello Everyone!

This is my first time posting on this forum website, but I have been setting up a 10 gallon (hopefully someday) reef tank. Right now I have about 10 lbs of live rock, and 20 lbs of live sand. I have a penguin filter that I am using for circulation. I removed the bio-wheel and the charcoal filter after reading on this board that it can cause the nitrogen cycle in the tank to get out of whack. I have about 50 watts worth of light bulbs in the hood that came with the tank. I plan to update those eventually. I have been checking the temperature and salinity everyday, and they seem to be within normal range. I have had everything set up now for about a week, and everything seems so be going fine. But, this morning I found a little worm, maybe a bristle worm, on top of the sand. I was really hoping someone could tell me if this is a good worm or a bad worm to have in the tank. Also I would really be interested in knowing if the setup I have is adequate and if I am doing anything particularly wrong. My goal for this tank is to have a clownfish and maybe another small fish that will get along. Eventually I would like to get some corals and an anaemone, but that can wait until I get this thing going.

Thank you ahead of time for answering this post.


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Welcome to Nanoreef :) Your in for a big treat! I to am new to Nanoreefing but it's quite fun once you get started ;)


:D I also have a 10G which took 9Wks to cycle! >:( but its all good now and I have just bought my own Ocellaris Clownfish 3 days ago. If you can take a picture or tell us more about that worm I could have a go at identifying it for you :) Good luck with your tank!

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it's not really nessecary to check you salinity everyday, or specific gravity as you'll see it most of the time... simply check it once or twice a week and keep your water topped off...


What kind of lights are you running? please tell me that they aren't 25 watt incandecents...


the worm is most likely harmless, but who can say for sure w/o a picture?


Sounds like you're setting up a fish only tank, if it's your goal only to keep a couple of fish you'll be fine... however if you ever want to keep and anemone or any real coral, you're going to need more water movement, better lights and preferably a skimmer, but that's not to say you can't do it w/o one...


Good Luck

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50 Watts of powercompact is more than sufficient for most soft corals/some LPS.


Movement too. Some prefer less movement than others.


Skimmerless is fine


Most worms are harmless and helpt to sift the sandbed (that is, if you have a sandbed)'

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does it have a carish sound?


most hoods that come with 10gal tanks are not PC hoods... they are usually 15 watt flourescent or dual 25 wattish incandescents... skimmerless WILL be fine if you do regular and frequent water changes

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