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Coral Vue Hydros

Low Alkalinity issues?


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I'm struggling to maintain alkalinity over 7dKh in my system and have been dosing to try and maintain this level. I tested this week and currently have 6.6dKh, however corals are healthy and showing great growth. 

Are there any issues having alk this low? I'm considering swapping from standard Red Sea salt to the Coral Pro to try and get this level up a bit, but while I'm showing good results I'm hesitant to start chasing numbers and change anything too much.

Does anyone actually run their system this low, or know any real implications of having dKh at my level?

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Personally, I wouldn't run it below 7dkh. Even that's low for me, but it's fine and plenty of people run at that level. It's what natural sea water is. Technically, I don't think youre at dangerous levels, but it's low. 


If everything is doing well, I'd just raise it to 7 over the course of a few days and maintain it there if you're happy with those levels.


And if you're having trouble keeping Alk up, despite dosing, your Mag levels might be low. I'd check them. 

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Weird. I use red sea blue bucket and the lowest mine ever mixed was 8.2


Have you rolled the bucket of salt to get the salt mixed up good before using it? 


Have you tested newly mixed water?


Checked the online batch results of your salt?


If you have lots of corals and your salt mixes at 7-7.5, with lots of daily consumption, it's normal that you will get below 7, that's where daily dosing is required.


Have you tested from waterchange yo waterchange to see daily consumption?


Rscp has high alk, it will be dangerous going from such a low number to higher numbers.


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