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Coral Vue Hydros

Bloated clownfish, seems unhappy

Frag Factory

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Hey all,


Picked up a pair of clowns on saturday, they seemed fine for the first couple of hours.


Then slowly but surely one of them began to stick to a corner of the tank. 


I thought perhaps he was a little freaked out or stressed about the move and didn't think much of it.


Both clowns had just been fed at the LFS and had full stomachs so I have not fed them yet, however the one sticking to the corner of the tank appears to be breathing fast and still has a big stomach, the other clown is happy and swimming around and the stomach bulge has gone.




You can sort of see the full stomach here.


He was doing this all of yesterday and when I came home for lunch he was still doing it...


He's mostly swimming, but does sit on the gravel from time to time. 


What is likely to be the issue and what is the best course of action to take? Has he simply overeaten or is there something a little more serious going on?



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Ok so shortly after this I saw stringy poop, a tell tale sign of worms. I saw this at the LFS when I bought them on a big angelfish but I assumed the tanks were not on the same system. 


I guess it was...


I've moved the sick fish to a 3 gallon bucket with an air filter (sponge was in my canister filter) 


And there's a heater in there.


I've put a white towel over the top so he gets some light but not too much. Water was from my main tank.


It's medicated with API melafix and Primafix. All LFSs we're shut when I noticed the poop so had to go to pets at home (the UK version of Petco) and this is all they had.


Fingers crossed 🤞🤞


Any tips on things I could do better? Or better meds?

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I know no one is reading this but I'm going to document it, it could help people in the future.


The fish is seriously not well, when I put him in the bucket he was laying on his side barely moving.


I dosed 125% of what I was meant to, I blame my bad maths but he's in such a state I left it at that. 


I just checked on him 6 hours later, he was upright which is an improvement 🤞


I've left some brine shrimp soaking in the meds over night, I'm hoping he's still with me in the morning and I can get him to eat a little. 


The other clown looks fine but I'm keeping a close eye on him too.

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I’m sorry I don’t have any experience with fish illness. Looks like no one is responding and it’s getting late in the US. Are you in the UK Reefers group on Facebook? It’s run by a really great guy Pete Bilton, maybe he or someone there in the group can help you. You could also try the Melev’s Reef group... very experienced reefers there, too. If you want to pm me we can exchange info and I can send invites to the groups if that helps. 

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1 hour ago, GraniteReefer said:

You should treat both fish really


I need a better QT solution than a bucket. I didn't want two fish making ammonia in a 3 gallon system.


6 hours ago, banasophia said:

I’m sorry I don’t have any experience with fish illness. Looks like no one is responding and it’s getting late in the US. Are you in the UK Reefers group on Facebook? It’s run by a really great guy Pete Bilton, maybe he or someone there in the group can help you. You could also try the Melev’s Reef group... very experienced reefers there, too. If you want to pm me we can exchange info and I can send invites to the groups if that helps. 

Just joined both of these, thanks!

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