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Back again. Snails deaths


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So just posted a few days ago about my turbo and nassarius snails. Do this afternoon I come home on break to find a turbo dead on the sand. I then proceeded to check the other two nassarius snails that haven't been moving also dead. So out of my 8 snails four turbo four Nas. One turbo is dead and two Nas are dead and I'm thinking the other Nas is also dead I just come home to find the other Nas looking like he just kicked the bucket as well. What's up ? The cleaner shrimp seems fine and the clown they both ate no problem checked the ammonia it's not detectable even tho I thought if two Nas snails died the ammonia would spike in such a small tank. Just curious if it's common for snails to die or if something might be wrong with my water. Here is a pic of the Nas that looked like he could be kicking the bucket . When I flashed the light he retreats to his shell but he was sitting exposed before the light that's why it looked off.  Thanks 😎


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Snails (and shrimp for that matter) can be more susceptible to sudden changes in salinity.  How did you acclimate them?  If the specific gravity was notably different, that might explain what happened.  Hard to say for sure.

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I wanted to drip acclimate but the guy at my lfs said it wasn't necessary and that I could just set them in the tank for 15 minutes and put them in which I did .  I know that salinity could have  been the issue because the lfs water is 1.022 and mines 1.024  Everyone seemed fine for the first few days it seems like the Nas snails just didn't do well could have been salinity but I figured the shrimp would have passed too even tho they can be hardy . The fish n shrimp ate today no problem and the last two Nas snails one came out which is seen in the picture he seemed to be doing very well compared to the others but seems like he is going to have the same fate. 


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Just saw a video talking about reasons snails could be dying . Do you think it could be dead spots in my tank building up bad bacteria making nitric oxide or whatever it's called in the sand bed killing them as they travel across the sand bed ?

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I got 3 nas from a LFS 2 weeks ago.  One perpetually looks like it's about to kick it and one died without my knowledge.  I acclimated them very slowly.  Not the first time this has happened.  They are weird like that, ime.  The one that died didn't cause an ammonia spike however I'm sitting on 15-20 nitrates after a 2g wc today. 

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2 hours ago, darklordzulu said:

I know that salinity could have  been the issue because the lfs water is 1.022 and mines 1.024

Inverts prefer higher salinity.  However, raising salinity quickly is much harder on marine life than sudden drops in salinity.


You might try slowly removing a little water from the bag and add some tank water.  Do that every 5 minutes for maybe 45 minutes.  Otherwise, drip acclimate.  Or possibly even find another LFS that doesn't keep their salinity so low.

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It must be a common thing with LFS to keep low salinity. That's the entire reason I bought a water change setup (Rodi, heater, pump, salt, bucket) to keep at home instead of making treks to the LFS. When I had first set my tank up, very first time I tested the water during cycling the salinity was 1.015. This is what these jokers were selling to people, no kidding. As a side note I calibrate my refractometer with solution too. Not RODI........I don't think they believed me but I never heard back from them on the issue and immediately ordered my water change kit and as soon as it came in and fixed the problem. Tested with the same refractometer.......1.026. It's been almost two months since that happened and I've never looked back and that LFS lost a customer. 

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I am also having a problem with my snails dying, I have done everything I usually do (though it has been years since I added anything new to my tank).  But all my old methods don't seem to be working.  All my new methods don't seem to be working.  


I test for both temp and salinity.


Good luck, if you find something that works...let me know  😜

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Do you check your magnesium levels every now and then? I recall reading somewhere that high magnesium will cause snails to perish or become lethargic. Dinos also will kill them I've read recently. Do you have an ATO or do you top off daily (or forget and not top off daily)? If you don't have an ATO and you aren't diligent with manual top off, you are having salinity swings i'd almost bet money. Just throwing darts here too BTW i'm not an expert of any sorts to be clear. It could just be bunk snails that you're being sold. I ordered mine from reef cleaners that advertises on here. I haven't lost one and they've been in there for over a month now. Maybe try some of his (or her not sure) and see if they live. 

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14 hours ago, darklordzulu said:

So just posted a few days ago about my turbo and nassarius snails. Do this afternoon I come home on break to find a turbo dead on the sand. I then proceeded to check the other two nassarius snails that haven't been moving also dead. So out of my 8 snails four turbo four Nas. One turbo is dead and two Nas are dead and I'm thinking the other Nas is also dead I just come home to find the other Nas looking like he just kicked the bucket as well. What's up ? The cleaner shrimp seems fine and the clown they both ate no problem checked the ammonia it's not detectable even tho I thought if two Nas snails died the ammonia would spike in such a small tank. Just curious if it's common for snails to die or if something might be wrong with my water. Here is a pic of the Nas that looked like he could be kicking the bucket . When I flashed the light he retreats to his shell but he was sitting exposed before the light that's why it looked off.  Thanks 😎


Way back in the days I didn’t even have good lights, i bought some crabs and snails, I didn’t know much about drip acclimation because all I had before was fresh water, so I just dumped em all in, my salinity is 1.025 - 1.024 and LFS around 1.022. They were shocked for a long time and one died, the other four survived and the banded shrimp I got with them died as well. It was that failure that opened my eyes to how sensitive inverts are. Only drip acclimation from now on! So my guess it is the salinity my friend. The change really shocks them.

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Maybe you don't have enough food for the amount of snails you have which led to their death.


It's also possible that the snails in the store were just not good specimens.


Sometimes they just die for no reason we know of.

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