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Cultivated Reef

green star polyp

Grace Sky

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I have a 100 gallon tank with good lighting and water parameters. I recently added a green star polyp to my tank and it was out and perfectly fine but at that time, my blue anemone started moving around the tank and accidently stung my green star polyp. The star polyp is now closed for the 3rd day. Did the anemone injure it and why is it closed for so much days in a row now?

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GSP is pretty tough stuff. The 'nem may have stung it, but it will probably recover. Make sure you isolate this stuff on it's own "island" as it grows like a weed and can easily overwhelm your rockwork. 

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Yep, I have it all over the back wall of my tank.  I was going to scrape it off, but it reminded me of '70s green shag carpeting and made me nostalgic. 

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sounds like the anemone was trying to do you a favor!

but really, if it isnt damaged from the anemone and only looks closed, I would not be terribly worried. they are probably still recovering from the injury.  to be on the safe side, I would use a coral dip such as coralRX to help with the injury.

I had lost 95% of a gsp frag due to nudibranchs. With only a couple closed polyps left, it bounced back from last year to 7 times the size of the frag originally was. so as long as the GSP likes your tank, Im sure it will open again and be happy.

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Thanks for the reply.  I'm not sure what actually happened but it's all fine now. I just noticed new baby ones so I guess it was just growing.

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It is not kudzu, but it does grow fast.  In five years GSP went from tennis ball size to covering complete back wall of 75G tank.

I like it like that.






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