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Toadstool Leather Slumped over.. How long ?


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What is the longest you have seen a Toadstool leahter stay slumped over and looking sickly ? Mine had been down for the count for a couple weeks.


I got the leather and zoos at the same time. The zoos did very poor at first and thought they were not gonna make it. The leather did great for weeks. The zoos started thriving and the leather started looking Ill.


You think it will come back ??

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i've had one slumped over for a couple of months. i couldn't figure out what was bothering it until one day i saw salt creep fall onto it from the support brace.


it could be as simple as that (i.e. some kind of irritant) or it could be a parasite. it could also be something in the water, chemical irritant or just less than optimal water.


examine the coral and see if there is anything boring into it or debris sitting on it. in the wild, corals have wave action to clean themselves. in our systems they have to have us blow clean them (a turkey baster is very helpful).


is it shedding? ime leathers shed because of surface irritants or parasites. it is not a normal occurence (e.g. growth, renewal, reproduction, etc.) but a reaction to something.


besides the examination, i'd suggest runnng some carbon to 'polish' up the water. Poly-Filters are also good. a water-change can't hurt either (if done properly).


i'd do one or more of the above. the coral may come back on its own but more likely it won't. the zoanthids reaction point to something less than optimal in the system. they're usually the 'canary in the coal mine', another good indicator coral are GSP. hth

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