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would I be able to house two captive bred clownfish (i would get them small and prefferably the same size and i think they are false) and a scooter blenny in a nano cube?



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I would recommend against the Scooter Blenny. They feed almost exclusively on copepods and you need a large tank with LOTS of live rock to support a single scooter.


I have one in my 10g. When I bought him, he was eating baby brine. He gained a little weight after I got him, then one day started rejecting the prepared foods. I'm planning on getting rid of him soon, as he's getting extremely thin.

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scooter blennies are the easiest of the dragonets available to the hobbyist imo. They have great personality, very active, and willing to take live food. ask if the lfs will feed it first.. some frozen food. Don't let them trick u by feeding it brine. if it eats, go ahead and buy it. they're hardy too. <--- from experience and talks with others.

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I believe IMO, you can host 2 clowns in the same tank. I've had at one point 3 clowns with no problems. Right now I just have 1 maroon clown, but im kind of weird out of getting another in there because they say that maroons are very teritorial and agressive.

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Originally posted by cadesun

easiest of the dragonets is not saying much, especially for a noob. get some experience with other fish first.



dude, learn to read. I really don't think you're in a position to call anyone a noob.


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hmmm... i'm pretty sure i am literate, and no, i am not a noob. i am actually working on my masters in saltwater ecology. get your facts straight, and lose the attitude.

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some people these days. i swear.


anyway if there are still some sane folks reading this thread....

if you want to keep a dragonet scooter blenies are great, but try and find a red scooter blenny (they are much more beautiful than the brown ones) these guys are easy to keep...... alone or in a speices only tank. this is becuase of feeding.


they will readily accept frozen mysis and brine and i have weened one on to formula one. the catch is this. they are about as blind as a bat when it come to distance vision. thier eyes are maded to see copods. (really small critters) so they don't focus really well at far away objects. so they wont see the food in the water column. they are also lazy feeders. if it doesn't float right by their face they will not eat it. you have to turn of all you pumps and fileters and target feed these little hombres. this is not possible in a community tank. as other fish will eat the food before the scooter will. these fish are uber cool and they are very hardy. just hard to feed becuase of their short sightedness.


*note this method only applies to nanos. larger tanks should be able to support a scooter on the pod population*

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unsped --


please explain to me how a dwarf lionfish in a 40gal tank with large tankmates and a reef lobster in a 10gal tank by itself are bad choices. enlighten me.

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