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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Coralline turning white


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i'm in the third week of my nano reef system, two weeks after adding about 6lbs of fiji and 3lbs of tonga live rock.  i've noticed that some of the coralline algae is starting to turn white.  is this a part of the cycle or should i add calcium to the tank? thanks, WW

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is the live rock cured, what lights do you have on it? what is the ph? are you adding kalk?,what is your alk?more info..........please

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most likely your Ca level is low hence the coralline are dying off or your lights are too powerful hence bleaching the coralline. try dosing it with Ca first to see if theres any change.

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You might wanna wait on the dosing....mine was turning a little white when my tank was new.....i did nothing about it besides the weekly water changes and it really started taking off eventually

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Most likely it's the lighting. When I had PC's one type of coraline was thriving while the other was just coraline. After upgrading to halides the thriving coraline started to bleach so I had to move it to a darker region of the tank (even though it had a sarco on it). The one that wasn't growing under PC's started taking off though.

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Since your tank is new I wouldn't worry about it to much.  It will take time for everything to adjust to the new environment.  I am suprised that no one has said to test water parameters.  I would test for Alk, Ph, and CA.  If these are low I wouldn't be afraid of dosing Alk & CA.  Just start out small, under what the directions say and work up into it.  That way if things get weird you can watch carefully.  

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Just give your tank some time to get adjusted. Dont start throwing all kind of chemicals in it. Any coralline that dies off will shortly grow back. I bet it just needs to adjust to the lighting. If you start throwing all kinds of chemicals in your tank you won't know what you did that actually fixed your problem.  If anything you could try raising your lights up a bit and then slowly lowering them back down again.  Try to stay away from chemicals. In a tank so small water changes with good salt is all you really need.



(Edited by C2187 at 12:27 pm on June 17, 2002)

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I think its ,ost lokely due to the lighitng.

The coralline algae on my live rocks nearer to the lights turned white ie bleached.  the ones near the bottom are fine.  


Do check your calcium level, but most lijely its due to the lighting.

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i just moved everything from my five gallon into a minibow 7 about a week ago.  i also doubled the lighting (2x 32w csl smartlight)  and my coralline is also turning from a beautiful purple to a really light purple:( i hope it goes back.   i wasnt sure if it was caused by the lighting or the move.  oh well.


(Edited by mxpro32 at 3:57 am on June 18, 2002)

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