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zoo trade.


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I'm looking to get some new zoo's, and wondering if anyone is looking to do the same. The frags I have are somewhat small, but ideally we can do a couple different kinds with a small amount of polyps of each. If your interested let me know. Send an email, and I can send you pict's.

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take a hammer and chisel and break it into smaller pieces thats how i frag my bigger rocks and if you get loose polyps use some super glue gel and glue them to a small rock or shell and then you can send them my way so we can trade

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I'd like to see a picture, if you've gor one. Fragging zoos is easy. You can pull the piece of rock out, take a small razor blade, and try to cut them away from the rock as close as possible. Once you get some of the zoo's off, get some super glue gel. Put a little dab on a rock, and stick the zoo's on. Wait about 10/15 seconds before putting the frag back in the tank.


If either one of you want to set something up, send me a pm with your email, and I'll send you some pictures off what you have available, and I'll send you my email, and you can send some picts my way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i've been trying to find people to trade zoo's with.. acutally i was thinking of setting up a site with pictures of all of the zoos people where willing to trade...


so we have sort of a global collection.. and then we can each frag and exchange..


it's really easy to frag.. i do it a lot.. just cut one/two polyps (i noticed two works well with me) with a razer blade.. and superglue it to whatever you want to attach it to (turbo snail shell works really well :) )


yhou guys let me know if interested.. on vacation but i'll take pictures of what i have...


and you guys could post your pict's too

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Originally posted by prussia

i've been trying to find people to trade zoo's with.. acutally i was thinking of setting up a site with pictures of all of the zoos people where willing to trade...  


so we have sort of a global collection.. and then we can each frag and exchange.


I'd like to see a website like that! Might be a great idea!

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