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Do my BTAs look like they need more light?


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With the new anemone tank, I'm slowly trying too figure our how much light these guys want. 


17 gal tank.  I have a singel Kessil A360W about 8" over the water, and they sit about 6" or so under the water as such - 




In this picture, the lights slowly ramp to 30% at peak, then back down during a 12 hour lighting cycle.  They look fat and happy, but i can't tell if they want more light as they almost appear to be stretching -






Noticing this, I've started to increase the lighting intensity by about 5% per day for the last two weeks.  Zero change until i hit about 60% on the light intensity, they two of the smaller ones started to move around - but they moved to an area of higher light!  The big ones remain as stretched as before. 


I continued to increase the light until I hit 80% with no change in anemone behavior.  It seems like the clowns hide in the nems during the peak time, maybe it's too bright for them?  So I went back to 50% where everything seemed cool and am now asking the question.


I don't want to hurt anything, so should I keep increasing the lighting?  Or do these BTAs look happy?  

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they look happy to me.  I think if it were too bright they would move away.  I have a candy corn bta that is at the back of my tank on the bottom and my rose btas are in the middle.   

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I agree with richnyc.  They look happy.  Some of the stretch may be to get a bit farther away from the others.  BTAs are not shy, they will move if unhappy.  I have a couple that like the very brightest light and others that like much lower light - and a couple of them are budded offspring of one of the high light preferring ones.  All of them grow well.

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