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Double Island IM Nuvo 20g with a nanobox duo - Yellow Hammers


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Upgraded after my Cadlights 8g tank had a mini crash so I jumped on a Black Friday deal IM Nuvo Fusion 20g tank.  I like how this tank is long so now I can have some fish that swim around.  



IM Nuvo 20


1 InTank Media Basket holder (right side)

1 inTank Filter Floss holder (left side)

Nanobox Duo plus M

Jebao OW-10



1 Snowflake Clown

1 Pygmy  Cherub Angel 

1 Green Chromis

1 Cleaner Shrimp

1 Lubbock's Wrasse









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Looking good! Planning to get a skimmer? As fish grow, you might have a problem with clown/angel/chromis combo and one of them will get bullied, ....it’s usually the chromis.

Also keep an eye on the cherub. Might get a taste for some soft coral tissue if not fed well .

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43 minutes ago, Andreww said:

Looking good! Planning to get a skimmer? As fish grow, you might have a problem with clown/angel/chromis combo and one of them will get bullied, ....it’s usually the chromis.

Also keep an eye on the cherub. Might get a taste for some soft coral tissue if not fed well .

as for the skimmer, I'm looking at the eshops nano.  yeah I'll see how the fish get along so far so good.  I haven't seen my cherub eat my soft coral tissue so we will see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

here is an updated iphone 7 pic: 

RIP Green Chromis, went into the overflow and got stuck in filter floss


Added a couple spinstreams

Got a head of duncan coral

9 polyps of Rasta Zoas! such a cool looking zoa.  

Got a Lubbock's Tricolor Wrasse!  so excited abut this guy. he looks awesome and is doing great!  



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

time for some updates:


first of all I added another piece of dry LR which is white so hopefully Coraline algae grows on there to give it some color.  Second I'm going for a Euphyllia garden and trying to start that up.  I got some yuma's and new zoas as well as a nice BG digi.  I'm also holding some frags from my coworkers tank which sprung a leak.  All is well so far and I'm just waiting for this tank to establish and for the hammer and frogspawn to grow out.  


Euphyllia garden





Lubbock's Wrasse




FTS 2/7/18


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How is the Nanobox Duo Plus M?


Also, how are the spin streams. I have the same tank with an MP10, and honestly I always felt like the stock return pumps were way too strong, I have my MP10 at around 20% max and the flow is insane. I hear the spin streams cut the return flow by half.


Might get 1 of them, thoughts?

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the light is great, so far so good.  zoas and sps are growing as far as I can tell.  the  blue fish controller is nice to customize light settings and the option to use pre-loaded settings.  


I like the spin streams and how it creates random flow but yeah it does cut the return flow a lot.  I have a Jeabao ow-10 pump as well so I have plenty of flow in the tank.  I started out with one, liked it and then just bought another since its so cheap on amazon.  

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