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Coral Vue Hydros

New light setup.


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Anyone want to comment my setup?


just got at new light fixture.


it´s a 24" 2 x 24 watt T5 Fixture, it should be right

to hold some softies, it was at first intented to be a FOWLR.

The stock hood only supports one 15 watt NO.


I made an aluminium bar with some hangers and connected it to the fixture with some steal wires.


haven´t got my T5 tubes, so no light on the pictures.


The tank is a 20 gal High.


20 pounds LR

20 Pounds LS

3 maxi-jet 400

Fluval surface skimmer,

minifloter skimmer (not on picture)


The very sturdy stand i got brand new for 60$ just added an aluminum handle.


It´s at the end of its cycle, going to add:


2 true Percula clowns, 2 feather dusters,

8-10 turbo snails.

and some softies, haven´t desided which


Sorry for the crappy pictures only got the camera in my cell phone.






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It looks like it would be fairly difficult to perform maintenance on the tank with the lights so close to the water, unless they are easily adjustable .

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yes i thought of that, I can clip of the fixture from the aluminum bar mounted in the ceiling.


it would take my about 10 sek to remove the entire fixture.



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