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NanoCube cycle time???


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I started up the nano cube about 2 weeks ago. How long does it tank for nanocubes to fully cycle through. I have only ever had my 110gallon, so I'm not sure about smaller tanks.



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what type of rock? cured/uncured? live sand or not? cycling can take from 1 day to 8 weeks depending on these answers. the tank will be fully cycled when : no detectable ammo., no detectable trites and a rise and fall in trates has been seen.


did you test? if tested you would have seen a spike in these.

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dependent on the quality of the lr. cured = quick, uncured = long. either way, you should test for nitrates before stocking tank, but of course you know that after running a 110 g tank.

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If you have a 110 g, you could've just took out a little bit of sand and live rock, and 1 day, fully cycled. that's if your 110 g was a saltwater tank

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