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Tank change question IM 40


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I'm planning on making a tank change. I have a JBJ 28g Cube, and I plan on going to an IM Fusion 40. I have 20 pounds of live black sand in the JBJ, but want to change the sand on the new tank. The rock is one large piece that I'll be moving as well. If I put new sand in the tank and then move the rock and all inhabitants, will the tank go through a cycle? If it does, then I think I might just setup the tank like a  brand new one. The only problem with THAT is where would I keep the frags and fish while the new tank is cycling? And NO the wife won't let me keep both tanks up until the new one cycles. THAT would be great if I could. LOL


I have an Aquamax HOB 1. I would much rather go with a smaller hidden skimmer if there's one that works efficiently. I'd like to keep the new tank as neat as possible with as much hidden as possible at the same time. Thanks for any help in advance.







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I would think that likely you'll have a mini-cycle if the rock isn't out of the water long. One rock wouldn't have enough of a biological filter for a 40 gallon tank. I'd seed the new sand with some from your current tank (maybe in a container if you don't want it mixed with you new sand), and use some Dr Tim's. I would think you'd be ok with the livestock then, just monitor closely for ammonia. At least that's the route that I'd take, for what it's worth.


The IM ghost skimmer fits nicely in the back of that tank and does an OK job. It's barely noticeable.

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Thanks for the tips. I think I might be better off starting this tank as something bran new IF I could get someone to house everything for me for the time being. Another option might be to put the old tank in my buddy's garage until the new tank with rock fully cycles.


I've heard a lot of mixed opinions about the Ghost skimmer. I don't know anything about them first hand but I do like the way they're hidden in the stand. That said, I'd rather go with the Aquamax for reliability that something small and useless.

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1 hour ago, henningero said:

Yeah, I have one and it did a decent job but it was a little noisy for my taste.

What did you swap it out with? Or did you can using a skimmer?


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I do weekly 25% water changes and have a low bioload right now(1" clown and small wrasse), so I stopped using a skimmer at all for now and sold it.

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