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Stocking JBJ 30g Rimless


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Starting to make final plans for stocking of my tank and wanted some feedback/input.


My initial idea is a pair of clown with something to host, a pair of clowns, a dwarf golden moray, some species of wrasse for activity, and a goby/shrimp combo.


Any feedback or different ideas on this list?

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How old is the tank? If is a newer tank the clowns are fine but please no nem until it's been astablished for at least 6 months. Have a tight lid if you choose a dwarf moray or you'll find it on your carpet and I mean a tight lid they are escape artists. A wrasse is fine and so is the goby shrimp combo. Remember it's a new tank so space the new additions so your tank can adjust to the new bio loads. Good luck and enjoy keep us updated and post pics.

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The dwarf moray eel will eat the wrasse and the goby shrimp combo plus he doesn't stay all that small. I would skip that or get fish that are bigger and faster :).


I had in my 60 gallon a while back a golden dwarf eel but he was the last thing in the tank. I kept him with clowns and wrasse and small tang, however he did eat some of my smaller fish if he went to long without being fed silversides.


The golden dwarf eel doesn't get any bigger than a pencil.

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