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Help! Is my torch dying?!


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It looks like our torch coral isn't doing to well. We recently moved it to a new area in the tank because we added a hang on the back protein skimmer. One of the heads had previously died, but we left it as is. Now it looks like a second one is starting to die and you can start to see a lot of the skeleton. I also noticed that it seems to look like it is kind of "rotting" on the bottom of the base. The coral also had brown coming out of its mouth, I couldn't tell if it was poop or brown jelly. The coral seemed to be doing fine yesterday, but something must have happened today while I was at work.

Please help with possible solutions to revive our coral! Thank you in advance clear.png

I have uploaded pictures to my google drive of what the coral currently looks like and what it looked like yesterday.


Our water parameters are:
48 Gallon Tank
Water Temp: 78.2 F
Salinity: 1.025
pH: 8.4
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 0ppm
Phosphate: 0ppm
Mg: 1400ppm
KH: 4.5Meq/L
Ca: 380ppm

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Sorry, that looks pretty far gone, but I would try dipping it out of the tank, in some tank water, adding povidone or Lugol's, for 5 to 10 min. Blow gently on it with a baster, and rinse in clean tank water before putting it back in. Worth a shot.

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Looks like your pics are to 3reef. The google drive link just shows 1 pic.


Anyways bummer on the torch! IMO you need to find out if it's brown jelly or not. I see other euphyllia in your tank and if this has BJD there's a real chance the other corals could become affected!


Here is my experience with BJD on an E. divisa. Maybe you can glean some ideas?


You might try carefully taking the coral out of the water and smelling it. If it smells horrible - like death - I would immediately snap off the affected heads and discard. Then clean the remaining unaffected heads in an iodine solution then place in QT until you know it's good to add back to the main tank.


If it doesn't smell horrible then it might not have BJD and the issue could be something else...


Did you make any changes to the tank recently? Like adding new corals or anything? Any other corals seem to be doing poorly? How long has it been since the first head died?

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with you having other euphyilla in there, I wouldnt risk it. I'd pull it now.


take a look at my old finnex thread in my sig. all that got killed by brown jelly because I didnt know what it was until it was too late.


btw, a change in flow, too fast even for one second...seems to have triggered it in my old tank. super careful when moving euphyilla. one micro tear and it can be game over.

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If its not brown jelly oit could be in too high a flow causing the flesh to tear and slowly recede to nothing.


As burt said, 1 small tear and the coral can go downhill

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