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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Eco Friendly Live Rock


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Hey guys, was not sure where to post this. I apologize if this is the wrong area.



I am looking into live rock for my 30gal and stumbled onto this on ebay


It states no curing required, I would still run the process though. My question is has anyone had any experience with these type of live rock?

My tank will be fish/live rock and down the road LPS corals

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There is caribsea life rock.


Its aragonite painted to look like coralline and is injected with bacteria.


Many have used it successfully and no issues reported.

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looks pricey for being somewhat of a mystery product...there's no compelling, insane deal that you're getting here...and if doing your own 'cycle' anyway, I'd skip the eBay rock and grab the Caribsea or some Walt Smith 2.1. Near the same ballpark costwise, and they are not such unknowns that you can't research online. (if you don't care about that, then no worries.)


personally, on my new 34g build, i went with 22 lbs. of the Walt Smith 2.1 (which may or may not suck...BRS 52-week build was interesting to me...) and a block of Marinepure to counteract any negatives the rock may have. Went this route because like you, going to be FOWLR for longer than I'd like at first.

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