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Please recommend CUC or analyze my wish list


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Nassarious are the ones who like to burrow in the sand :)


My bad! You are right! In that case, I will get 3 Nassarius and 3 Astrea (since Astrea eats cyanobacteria) :)

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Make sure to keep an eye on the astrea so you can right them if they flip over. I've never had any before because I worried that they would get stuck on their backs and die.

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Make sure to keep an eye on the astrea so you can right them if they flip over. I've never had any before because I worried that they would get stuck on their backs and die.

No worries. I will train them to be independent.

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Astrea don't go into sandbeds. They are also notorious for tipping over and dying, they can't right themselves and you can't train them. You have to right them or they die.


None of mine have made it past a mnth.

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i would skip the astrea. They will likely just is and pollute the water. In my 29, 2 trochus and a handful of dwarf ceriths are more than enough or the algae

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Not much eats cyanobacteria. Some ppl have had some luck with cuc eating it a little bit but others have had none.


Good husbandry and good conditions prevents cyano.


The only way to truly rid a tank of cyano is finding the cause and fixing it. There is always a cause and it starts with nutrients, other things like lighting and bad maintenance fuel its growth

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