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Pistol Shrimp and a Goby are awesome!


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Now that my 10g is stocked and going nicely, I've been able to sit back and enjoy all of the fun the critters provide.


Whether it's the Super Nass snail rising out of the sand during feeding, the emerald crab shaking his claws at my clowns when they swim too close, the emerald and super nass "fighting" (which actually consists of the super nass trying to move past the crab and the crab just flips him over but doesn't attack him and they continue this cycle a few times until one decides to leave), or the cleaner shrimp attempting over and over to convince one of the clowns to let him clean them.


BUT, all of that pales in comparison to the fun I am having with my pistol shrimp and his watchman goby buddy. I expected to see a lot of the goby and a little of the pistol but it's actually been the opposite. When I was siphoning the sand today, the pistol actually came out of his burrow and "attacked" the siphon which startled me as I had never heard the sound a pistol shrimp made so I legitimately thought the tank had cracked. Oh and his network of burrows is very impressive indeed.


Just thought I'd share my excitement! Loving this hobby.

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Totally agree! The interaction between all tank inhabitants is fascinating, but especially pistols and their gobies. My pistol grabbed the coral feeder a coupke of times and "shot" it til he realized mysis came out of it. Now he comes out of his tunnel, grabs a few mysis out of it and runs back to one of his tunnels while Miss Goby stands guard. Love them!

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