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Innovative Marine Aquariums

low iron tank vs standard glass tank


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i would like to down grad from a standard 90 to a smaller tank . My question is can you se a different in the clarity when you are talking fairly thin glass say 1/4" glass. I am thinking i would go down to a 40 breeder or a aquamax 38 . i guess the diff is 24 vs 36 and rimless vs non rimless. the little difference in height is negligible . as the rimless not a tremendous issue. really only a difference in the glass. Can you see the difference?

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I went from a low iron 70g to a regular glass 40g. Is there a difference between the glass? Sure. Is the difference night and day? Nah. Now the low iron tank was a cad artisan and from my ownership of ADA tanks it was not as clear. My new tank is a custom Visio rimless which BTW has thick glass. I would say that if you are building a huge tank which requires super thick glass then yes it is worth it to go low iron. If you are wanting a smaller one go with a builder that uses high quality glass even for their regular and the difference might not be that big.


Reason I went with regular glass on my new one was because my buddy went with a custom visio rimless 120g (48x30x20) for his and for regular glass his tank looks really good.

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the guy who owns my local fish store sells the IM tanks and told me he doesn't think at thinner glass you can see a night and day difference. However i was looking for other opinions as well,

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