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New lighting for my 10 gallon nano reef tank


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I have recently been reviewing the current USA orbit marine led lights and I guess the main thing I've been noticing is that people are saying that the light is good if your just growing softies.I purchased one of these lights for my 10 gallon standard reef aquarium and my softies have never seemed happier! The colors are popping and the corals just look healthier and the light easily fit into our budget.my question is now of course after I buy the light I've been doing research on anemones.and I really want one but I don't want to buy one and make it unhealthy,unhappy,or worse if my light isn't strong enough to keep one.any suggestions would be great,here's a pic of the tank at night ok having problems with the pic so maybe ill get one on here?also I have the light set on a default setting which has the lights on maximum for 8 hours,I'm wondering if this might be too strong,I guess I'm worried about unwanted algae growth.it's only been on for a col days but I don't want to risk it,but the corals look so darn good,lol.any ideas?

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8 hours should be fine. It's the nutrients in your tank that will cause algae problems.


I find that rock flower anemones do well under this type of lighting. They are a good size for this sort of tank and tend to stay relatively stationary. Also, they are not very aggressive towards corals. However, they don't host clownfish. Mini carpets should also do well; but again, they don't host clownfish.

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I wouldn't get an anemone in hopes that clowns will host it. They won't always host anemone and as Seabass said, there are only certain ones they do host.


Take into consideration that anemones do require very stable and pristine conditions and the downside of anemones.


My clowns host my frogspawn and never leave it.

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Thanks seabass and clown 79 for the info.after careful consideration I've decided against getting an anemone.I really like the frog spawn idea.if my clown ends up hosting it great,if not no biggie.I will one day have an anemone but I'm going to wait until I get my 46 gallon bow front converted over to saltwater,but I can't until all the freshwater fish expire,I'm not going to deliberately kill the fish as I would never forgive myself and I have had one giant danio for almost 8 years and I tend to grow very fond of my tanks n s inhabitants!

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