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Interesting fish behavior in my tank


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I have a rather wide tank with good swim space. In that tank was my maroon clownfish, who rules it. In order to have another fish who could hang, I went with a larger tribal blenny. they have been together now for about 4 weeks.


The funny thing is that the blenny is the new boss of the tank. Mainly because he is bigger. The clownfish refuses to leave his area though. he sleeps near the blenny and hangs out near him all day.


The curious thing is that throughout the day, the blenny will attack the clown. The clown just hangs near the top of the water and turns on his side like he is submitting to it. The blenny takes a few shots at him and then goes back to his rock. Rinse and repeat throughout the day. He will swim up to the clown, face him and then take a shot at him. the clown is not injured from this that I can tell. Nor does he seem that stressed. He just stays in his spot and then sometimes swims down to the blenny right after like he doesn't care.


The wierd thing is this tank has a ton of space for both fish. the clown could easily relocate across the tank and never have an issue. But he doesn't. Even at night when the fighting continues before bed, he just stays right nearby.


Anyone else experience this type of behavior or know more about it?

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I'm guessing that this will change as the maroon gets larger (matures and becomes a female).



I'm starting to see why the Blenny is so cranky. He looks like his eyes are swollen and he may be sick. He has been acting lethargic a lot, and only swims around in bursts now and then. I am afraid something is wrong with him.

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Unfortunately my cute Blenny died last night. That was tough to watch. He went from being an active tankmate who was never too much at odds with the clown, to an exhausted, puffy eyed and scared fish in a matter of 24 hours. I believe his attacks on the clown ramped up because he was scared and wanted space.


The sad thing was when he was laying there dying, my clown hovered right next to him and stayed by his side. He never once exhibited aggressive behavior. I woke up to his corpse being eaten by my hermits. I pulled him out immediately, but they got a nice meal before I was able to.


I feel that a blenny may be a tricky fish to take keep in. Very picky eater and they need a lot of food. Still not sure what did him in, as everything else in my tank is healthy. I will probably add a Royal Gramma in a few weeks and see how he does with the clown. There is plenty of space and the clown is not a female yet.


I do not believe the clown contributed at all to the Blenny's death.

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