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nanocube recommendations?


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1. Can anyone suggest corals that can go in a jbj nanocube w/stock lighting? I have one pulsing/waving xenia, green star polyps, zoos, & 3 sm. ricordia. I want to add more but I'm frustrated with everything that requires higher lighting. If you have a 12 nanocube and have had success with other corals besides mushrooms please share & include placement info too.


2. Has anyone put an anemone in their tank? (I know the lighting isn't enough but the lfs keeps one with success. I just thought I would check with the real world.)


3. I also don't like my aquascaping. There's plenty of lr but they don't seem to lend to coral placement. Is there a general rule?



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1. Maybe a yellow leather, but no not really, you need more light for pretty much anything else, maybe an open brain as well


2. Yes, but not with 24 watts of lighting, which LFS and how long has it been alive?


3. Re-arrange it :)

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