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Coral Vue Hydros

Is there an app for that?


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Just a quick question. Is there an app to filter the light when you are trying to use your cell phone to take pics of the your tank?


My pics always come out crappy and with just the blues its impossible.






I need to invest in a good digital camera. Can anyone make any suggestions??

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The latitude of adjustment you can get on a smartphone image in software is limited. The blue channel usually just gets totally blown out by a modern "low light" smartphone imager and you can't recover. The best bet in my opinion is to use a yellow or orange filter gel - don't need anything fancy, a few bucks on amazon for a lighting gel square that you just hold in front of the camera. This cuts out a lot of the blue light, allowing a balance to reach the phone camera, at which point the adjustments you can usually do in the camera app suffice.


I use a Canon 5D3 (+100 f/2.8, 24-70 f/2.8) and a Sony a6300 (24mm f/1.8 Zony) depending on what I'm doing, but thats totally overkill for just some pictures of the tank :)

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