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what is this? bacteria? algae?


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I siphoned it for the first time last week. I siphoned all the sand I could, then transferred it to the new tank. I wasn't able to siphon the sand behind the rocks in the former tank but it didn't seem that dirty. The two pictures on the left are in areas of low flow and lower light. I have a skimmer, filter pad, chemipure blue and I'm going to be starting an algae scrubber soon. The cyano I've seen was red or red / brown but I imagine there could be more.

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Its been developing. I don't think it is cyanobacteria. When I did my water change it didn't come off the sand very easily. Its not red and has whisp kinds of things. I don't know if it shows in the video but there are some bubble trapped by it. Any other ideas? The guy at the fish store said to wait for the algae scrubber to start working and it would disappear. It is multiplying rapidly.

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