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When is the best time to feed corals?


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Title says it all. When does everyone feed? When are corals most likely to eat and get most nutrients? I see the acans open up real big at night but the Zoas all close as do the frogspawn.

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Night is usually better but do it whenever is most convenient for you. If its easy for you to do you are more likely to do it. Being feed every day or every few days during the evening or morning when you see the tank is going to be more beneficial then you feeding at night and slacking on it due to its inconsistency.

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Whenever they're hungry! Some corals extend feeders at night exclusively, some are only going to respond during the day. You get to work with whatever's best for your schedule and your corals.


It's a lot more important for NPS that just won't feed during the day, like dendros/tubastrea that haven't been trained to do so and stay retracted, or corals that need near-constant feeding (NPS gorgonians, like the blueberry).

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I feed them at night, my RFAs. My Zoas I heard you don't need to feed as they get it from the light and fish poop. Oh yeah and my clowns. Now since I have a problem tank I target feed the RFAs shrimp and the fish with a turkey Baster and throw out the excess water.

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I feed in the morning before the lights come on. My tank seems to respond to morning feedings better than at night after the lights go off. Stick to whatever time you decide, your coral will adjust and expect the feedings.

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I feed in the evenings when just blues and UV are on, or when they start ramping down a little, bu while the tank is still lit. Seems I get the best of both worlds like this. Zoas and euphyllias all still open, and the night time feeders are trained to explode in size and put out their feeders at this time. (zoas will explode with growth when fed cyclopeze). I feed many things, but I have noticed the cyclopeeze are loved by zoas for sure.

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