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Cultivated Reef

iPhone 6 camera tip


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So I noticed something today. I took a picture of my tank with my iPhone and it came out pretty good. Later I went to take another picture and it was waaaay too blue (even played with the filters and still nothing good).


Somehow the white balance was much better the first time. So I closed the app and reopened it while pointing at the subject (my tank). Surprisingly, the white balance wasn't too bad.


I hadn't heard of this before. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

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If you switch to the square instead of photo it also much less blue.

Hmm... I just tried that and it seems the same to me.


Photo (white balanced by opening the app while pointing to the subject):



Square (opened the app while not pointing at the tank):


However, I'm not seeing any real difference switching between photo and square.

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  • 3 months later...

My female clown used to bite me horribly, until I whipped the water to scare her away, she learnt her lesson xD! Although she has it out for my scrubby brush now... it's a pain to use it so I just use my magnet cleaner.

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Yeah, if the lighting is very blue, it won't fully correct it (although you should still see some improvement). The whiter the light, the better the result (as in the pics I posted).


Here are some apps which offer some white balance adjustments: http://www.idownloadblog.com/2012/12/22/white-balance-iphone-photography/ However, they still do not offer a true custom white balance (where you point the camera at something white and it automatically adjusts the white balance accordingly). I find it hard to believe that such an app doesn't exist yet, but I've yet to find one.

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Christopher Marks

For those out there with an iPhone 7, 7 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, SE, or iPad Pro you can now shoot RAW photos through Adobe's free Lightroom App with iOS 10. One of the great features is being able to modify the white balance without any loss of image quality. They explain the benefits on their blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal/2016/09/lightroom-for-ios-2-5-0.html


I hope to try it out soon, I'll report back!

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  • 8 months later...
7 minutes ago, Negrala said:

I'll try this my photos are always way to blue

This works fairly well when the blue isn't very intense (less so when the blue is strong).  If possible, you want more white light and less blue, then use this tip in addition.

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