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Attaching Ricordea


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I got a couple loose ricordeas and would like to attach it directly to my scape without putting it on a plug or rubble. I was able to find a dead spot for one but the other keeps blowing away. Is there any reason I can't trap it in place with a small piece of rubble while it adheres naturally? It's not on top of it. I just kind tried to block flow. I guess the only thing I don't like is that it's not getting a tons of light. It looked to being doing well in the spot. I just couldn't keep it there.

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I was able to get mine to attach by using a clear plastic cup placed over the rock where I wanted the ric to attach. Just poke a few small holes in it and either glue the cup or use rubber bands

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You need something to block the flow and give the ric a chance to attach. Keep in mind, if it doesn't like where you put it, it will detach and float away. I have a huge one still on a plug, buried into the sand. It almost let go, but I caught it and moved to a new location. It couldn't be happier and has since reattached firmly to the plug.

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i was able to block flow with some rubble and so far so good. I almost lost my big one under my aquascape one day but was able to retrieve it luckily without moving rocks around.

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I put mine on a rock that I placed in a corner of my tank. I don't remember if I turned of my mp10 for a little while

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It will take a couple days for rics to fully attach. Most ppl will put them in a shallow container with small pieces of rubble on the floor of their aquarium for a week or so. If you dont want to have them attach to rubble, then the only 2 things I can suggest you do is rubber band it to your rockwork or use some clear netting to hold it to the face of the rock. Just make sure it is getting flow or it may melt away. Also make sure you are not covering its mouth. I would leave it with the rubber band or netting for at least a week before attempting to remove. Hope that helps.

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They seem to be happy I just did a water change so they retracted a little but I'm pretty sure they have attached.



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