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Coral Vue Hydros

About Scape and Flow


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Just continued with my experimental Nano tank of 60 ltr. Used some left over home made ceramic rock for this scape.



Apologies the reflections, some more tank (terraria) are in the same room will make a beter picture soon. The sand is used to see the flow patron.


Some questions:

  1. I use a flowpump cap 2000 l/h, this means approx 33x cycles of the tank per hour. Seems to flow like hell? Or is it okay?
  2. What is the best place for a flowpump

After my diving holiday in Bali and Gili isles I will really start the tank with fresh Bali stone.


Thanks in advance.

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Nano sapiens

Yes, that is a lot of flow for such a small tank (~16 US gallons). The distance that water can travel in these smaller tanks is short (compared to much larger tanks), so the shear force is typically much higher.


I use the smallest Tunze in a 12g (46l) cube-type tank with a Hydor Rotating Flow device and it's enough for any type of coral. The caveats are that the aquascape allows for circular flow around the tank and that the corals are appropriately positioned according to type/need. I estimate that the flow is around 180g/hr.


Hope that helps.

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