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Cultivated Reef

To QT or not to QT


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So, I've always run a nano and I'm in the midst of upgrading to a bigger tank. So many new questions have come up for me.....



One being is how many people actually QT fish ? I never have in my nano....but with a bigger tank = more expensive things it worries me slightly. Also, I now have an added concern, a lot of the local fish stores have have brooks disease outbreaks and I have a goby that we're going on 3 years together and I'd be pretty heartbroken if I lost him..


That being said.....I'm not partial to having numerous different tanks running....Thoughts, comments, suggestions ?

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I don't but that is because I have a small apartment. I take the risk but it only takes one bad fish (disease, parasite, etc.) to make your prized DT a disaster.

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Im lazy AF and haven't quarantined... haven't had any bad luck yet but I know its probably just a matter of time.... so quarantine lol

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I'll chime in with my 2 cents, as my opinion on QT is a little different. I have a 15g quarantine tank set up just like a second reef - just to get them in a normal, safe environment were they can get used to being at home. Once they're eating well, haven't shown signs of disease, and Stockholm syndrome has set in, then they can go in the display.

If they do happen to need a hospital tank for treatment, I just grab a bucket or rubbermaid and set it up.

I had to do hyposalinity on all my big fish once, had 3 4' christmas tree rubbermaid bins in the middle of my living room. You find room when your fish are sick.

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I never QT but it is taking a risk. I try my best to purchase from reputable places. I pay close attention to tanks before buying, look for signs of illness but theres still a risk as signs may not be visible at the time of purchase.


I have a small tank so I am not adding fish frequently and in an apartment. I have no more room for qt.


I have only lost 2 fish to disease and having my tank fishless for 8 weeks sucked! If I had qt I wouldn't have lost my purple firefish because of a sick damsel!

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I QT because its super easy to do, so why not? 5g bucket and power head of some sort, bam.


I also buy expensive or unusual fish and no way I am losing them.

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When I lived in a studio, I still had room for a QT. All you need is a tub or bucket with 5g's of water for 1-2 small fish. When people say they don't have room I imagine their apartment is like hoarders with garbage and boxes wall to wall :lol:

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You know the 'ol sayin'....an ounce of prevention cost a lot less than a pound of cure. To not do so is like walking on water chancing that the ice wont break...eventually you just know its gonna break and your going for an unplanned swim! Ask yourself this....How willing are you to tear down your tank, discard everything and start over again?


There is a reason I don't have Flatworms, Apitasia, Bryopsis, Bubble Alage and the list goes on...Its cause I excercise a little prudent judgement and QT things for a couple weeks before adding it to one of my tanks. Yeah it sucks and I cant get that instant gratification we so crave, but nothing good is ever easy or free. To me Reefing is a journey not a sprint...Ill get to the finish line too but I want to enjoy the trip there while I am at it!

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+1 on QT. After losing all but 1 coral in my original 14 to the aiptasia takeover from Hades, I keep a QT for everything - corals, plants, fish. Ounce of prevention ...

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