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Cultivated Reef

Biocube Cycling question.


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I am at day 35 of the start of my tank and cycling. I started with brs reef saver and live sand and went the fishless cycle route using dr tims ammonium chloride and bacteria. Everything seems to be going on the right track. I can proccess ammonia in 24 hours but I can't seem to shake the nitrites. Always takes 1.5-2 days to get them to zero. PH is at 8.2. Water is at 80 degrees. I started getting Diatom maybe a week ago and it's slowly covering. Do I just need to keep up with the ammonia dosing and hang in there?

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I would probably stop dosing ammonia, let nitrite zero out, do a water change, and add some carnivores and omnivores as part of your cleanup crew. After a week of lightly feeding your new crew (if ammonia is still undetectable), I'd add a small fish.

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I would probably stop dosing ammonia, let nitrite zero out, do a water change, and add some carnivores and omnivores as part of your cleanup crew. After a week of lightly feeding your new crew (if ammonia is still undetectable), I'd add a small fish.

What would be a good thing to feed them with that I will most likely be feeding my fish down the road. Sorry, for all the questions, first tank.

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No need to buy special food for a cleanup crew (whatever you plan to feed your fish will be fine). Don't overfeed them; a little food a couple of times a week is plenty.


The reason I didn't recommend herbivores yet is that you probably don't have any algae. Once you start to see algae, add some herbivores to your crew.


Asking questions is a good thing. Good luck on the new tank.

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