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Matteo's College 29g Living Room Piece (CRAZY RAD UPDATE CHECK LAST POST)


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Guess not. ME is mechanical engineering. I was guessing you might be one since you posted a pic of your overflow drawn on the program Solidworks. It's a common program mechanical engineering students use. Had to ask.

No I have a friend who has a 3D printer, Laser Cutter, and more. I am just super into DIY and still learning all the things to learn! I am a Marketing Major hahaha

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No I have a friend who has a 3D printer, Laser Cutter, and more. I am just super into DIY and still learning all the things to learn! I am a Marketing Major hahaha


That cool. DIY is always fun.

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Yeah Solidworks is very common with engineering disciplines, not just Mechanical but it's more suited to Mechanical than most others.


It's great that you're (Matteo) so open to learning some of the hands on stuff, I'm a Business Administration major/Physics minor and am on a couple of the Engineering teams at my university to try to diversify. As part of that I've taught myself AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, and I'm currently working with 3DS Max. I think it's really important to have some sort of science/technical background in addition to give you a unique talking point at the least lol.


awesome video!!! I think when I buy new bulbs I definitely will do a coral + and purple+.. For the V3s I have it at 10% Cyan and Blue, 40% Royal Blue, 40% UV, and 30% White. Also this a DIY fixture built by a reefer here. It is a 4bulb aquaticlife fixture with the center 2 bulbs gutted and replaced with heatsink and 2 V3s and Bluefish Controlled its sweet!


Very nice! I have my 3x V3/BF Mini set up to run at 45% White, 55% RB, 60% UV, 60% Cyan during midday, then morning/evening both roughly 25% W, 30% RB, 30% UV, 30% CB. This gives me a pretty warm look in the 12-14K range I think. Having 4 channels is sweet but takes a bit of fine tuning to get to where you're really happy with the color.
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definitely! I still will mess with color especially when I get different bulbs! 60% cyan huh? You must like that Windex look :)


also thanks! I really appreciate that, it is amazing at age 21 how many of my peers can't change a lightbulb. I like DIY because it is a creative outlet and it feels good to make something functional or fix something and have it work. This new light has inspired me to build a T5/LED. I am going to pick up this simply 4bulb T5ho for plants for pretty cheap from someone and use my DIY stock pile to make a DIY LED cluster with 2 T5s. Gonna be pretty sweet! Hopefully if I make it super clean looking I can sell it for some good money :)

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ALSO I used a NIKON camera for all you Canon Fanboys:P I also started a photography profile on instagram if any of you want to follow :)




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definitely! I still will mess with color especially when I get different bulbs! 60% cyan huh? You must like that Windex look :)


also thanks! I really appreciate that, it is amazing at age 21 how many of my peers can't change a lightbulb. I like DIY because it is a creative outlet and it feels good to make something functional or fix something and have it work. This new light has inspired me to build a T5/LED. I am going to pick up this simply 4bulb T5ho for plants for pretty cheap from someone and use my DIY stock pile to make a DIY LED cluster with 2 T5s. Gonna be pretty sweet! Hopefully if I make it super clean looking I can sell it for some good money :)

I don't think it's super Windex blue, I cranked it up to reduce any pinkish color. This way it's much more of a crisp whitish blue, at least to my eyes. My channels are driven at 700mA on RB, UV, CB, and 350mA on White, not sure what Dave normally uses or what your channels are driven at though lol, maybe that is why 60% Cyan doesn't look like Windex to me.

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Pretty sure all mine are 700mah. 350 is pretty low for white I feel! Most white diodes can handle 1500. I actually like the crisp white with pink look haha :)

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Nice set-up you have going there. The height to depth of the 29 makes it hard to aquascape, but you've done a pretty good job with it. Might I suggest you pick up some photosynthetic gorgonians to fill more of the vertical space without using much horizontal space?

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Nice set-up you have going there. The height to depth of the 29 makes it hard to aquascape, but you've done a pretty good job with it. Might I suggest you pick up some photosynthetic gorgonians to fill more of the vertical space without using much horizontal space?


You are 100% correct on the 29g sizing making a hard scape but yes I am pretty proud of how it turned out! I actually do plan to get some gorgs! I really like the way the add to a reef and IMO pretty easy to keep. Where in the scape would you place them? I also plan to get some birdsnest and digita colonies to fill the top vertical areas as well :) But from upper mid to all the way down this will be a LPS dominated tank :)

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Very nice man I like thst clam and the torch. Torches are awesome.

The torch is dope! traded a light for it. it was 12 heads now its 9. 3 of them for some reason retracted and had brown goo coming out so I read it could be brown jelly disease. I cut the 3 heads all the way at the base off rinsed the whole colony for a sec and so far everything seems good! fingerscrossed


the clam is also cool. I gotta figure out my camera settings because it is less blue but more purple/gold in a real life with blue accents. Got him for 50 bucks! from Totally Exotic Corals of Oregon!

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The torch is dope! traded a light for it. it was 12 heads now its 9. 3 of them for some reason retracted and had brown goo coming out so I read it could be brown jelly disease. I cut the 3 heads all the way at the base off rinsed the whole colony for a sec and so far everything seems good! fingerscrossed


the clam is also cool. I gotta figure out my camera settings because it is less blue but more purple/gold in a real life with blue accents. Got him for 50 bucks! from Totally Exotic Corals of Oregon!

Friggin awesome.


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You are 100% correct on the 29g sizing making a hard scape but yes I am pretty proud of how it turned out! I actually do plan to get some gorgs! I really like the way the add to a reef and IMO pretty easy to keep. Where in the scape would you place them? I also plan to get some birdsnest and digita colonies to fill the top vertical areas as well :) But from upper mid to all the way down this will be a LPS dominated tank :)

Well, I will tell you that my gorgonian only really started growing well and was happy when it was getting NAILED by flow so honestly, I'd probably put it on the left island under the filter.

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okay cool! Only problem is finding decent sized gorgs. They are fine when small but I rather get a 10-12in TBH

order some! Lol
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order some! Lol

Gotta wait to sell some stuff like my DIY stuff and 20g stuff and quadcopter lol. Also need to wait for a paycheck :( trying to get credit cards down

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Your 29G makes me feel bad about mine. It's quite messy and my rock work is nowhere as good as yours, not to mention the bunch of HOB filters I have in the back.

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Gotta wait to sell some stuff like my DIY stuff and 20g stuff and quadcopter lol. Also need to wait for a paycheck :( trying to get credit cards down

lol broke bruh.... Naw me too dude :lol:
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I agree with the coral + and purple and I like 10k also. Mine doesn't have the LEDs though so I am sure that could make a big difference. I wished I knew how to retrofit mine like yours. I do like T5 lighting a lot though.

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Your 29G makes me feel bad about mine. It's quite messy and my rock work is nowhere as good as yours, not to mention the bunch of HOB filters I have in the back.

haha well thanks!...I guess..?

I agree with the coral + and purple and I like 10k also. Mine doesn't have the LEDs though so I am sure that could make a big difference. I wished I knew how to retrofit mine like yours. I do like T5 lighting a lot though.

What T5 fixture do you have? If it is something you want to retrofit PM me. I can possibly do it for you and send it back. Just a thought

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haha well thanks!...I guess..?

What T5 fixture do you have? If it is something you want to retrofit PM me. I can possibly do it for you and send it back. Just a thought


Mine is a coralife but it is the only light fixture I have so I can't spare it. Thanks for the offer though.
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Mine is a coralife but it is the only light fixture I have so I can't spare it. Thanks for the offer though.

you can actually use 5000k 60 watt cfl bulbs for weeks at a time for corals. It is what I did when waiting for my light :)

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