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Direct flow pissed off my Xenia


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yeah, next to go is that rose anenome I have that keeps mozing around the tank. That ugly animal is going back to the lfs soon for something else that my clown fish can host.

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My algae problem is going away. Almost going away to fast :(


I found out that they are thriving on overfeeding, with frozen food, and especially dosing anything will cause more algae to thrive.


ie: Dt's phytoplankton, frozen krill, formula one, kent marine pH buffer....ect.


Dosing about 1 teaspoon of Dt's phyto plankton every 3 days is probably why I had an algae outbreak.


Now that I got 2 electric big electric blues, one halloween, and a little blue legged hermit crab, they are tearing down all the algae....almost too good of a job at doing so. Preatty soon they will have no more algae to eat.

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  • 4 months later...

I wonder if you can do that with a kenya tree, I have a small frag of it rubberbanded to a rock adn something rips it off every night, I am lucky that so far I have been able to find the piece of it every time it has been ripped off

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Probably hermit crabs. I have one medium sized scarlet hermit crab, this guy is always snooping around my rose anenome. SOmehting keeps nipping away at my anenome. Then on esay I banaished the red hermit to the fuge, and that seemed to have stoped the damage.

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