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Mantis ideas for five gallon


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My tank has currently a starfish I have set it up for mantis can't decide which one to get I like them all, but can't get them all. In your guy's experience which would you choose?



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Live aquaria has a peacock mantis http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=497+2857+1702&pcatid=1702


or on divers den they have a large one listed for $70 http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+4&ddid=296146


not really seeing any for sale right now other than those unless your lfs has some on their list they can bring in


A peacock will not fit in a 5g, too active and needs low nutrients to avoid shell rot.

My tank has currently a starfish I have set it up for mantis can't decide which one to get I like them all, but can't get them all. In your guy's experience which would you choose?




Can't go wrong with: http://www.kpaquatics.com/product/mantis-shrimp-neogonodactylus-wennerae/

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Purple spotted mantis shrimp. I have one and she's a beauty. :)


I didn't even see the 5 gal part

ok thanks everyone I am getting a purple spot. My lfs just orderdsoem

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