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Innovative Marine Aquariums

RBTA Shriveled and Gaping


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Edit: Its now just shriveled all the time with its mouth gaping.


So I picked this guy up a few weeks ago, and the last week or so now I've noticed the same spot has been deflated pretty consistently. The clown is hosting and constantly rubbing the nem in some way, so I'm not too sure if that could be doing it. I'm not super familiar with anemones, but does this seem like a cause for concern?


Sorry for potato quality.


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Usually happens when there is some sort of trauma. I accidentally bumped a few tentacles on my RBTA with a small rock and it looked exactly the same. The mouth looks a bit weird though, is it open at all?

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It's not looking too good. Has anything changed in the tank recently? Have you sprayed anything near the tank recently or in the same room? BTA's are usually pretty hardy, but if your parameters aren't consistent, they can turn bad real quick. How old is your tank?

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Only thing was a little oil on the stand hinges a week or so ago. I made sure to back it with paper towel to eliminate overspray into the sump. Put in new carbon shortly after. Otherwise nothing has really changed. ATO so salinity doesn't swing much at all. Tank has been up for a year and half, though it was moved a few months ago. Its inflated more today, but the mouth is still gaping.



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Well back to being real pulled in on itself again. Was like that a few hours ago as well. Would it make sense to make sure the clown cant get at it? I can banish her to the sump for a few days to see if that improves it condition.

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Anemones do that... if its not wandering around, climbing the glass, or in a powerhead just focus on your current being open and not on the anemone directly and try feeding it a few mysis...

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Infact if i recall correctly the only anemones i ever had that died were the ones that refused to attach to anything.


I had sebae 2 types, long tentacle, a haddoni and red and green bubbles... the ones that died never attached to substrate the rest lived and i sold them off when ii was sick of them..

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So the situation has deteriorated that it doesn't inflate up at all now I've noticed and just sits there shriveled up with its mouth gaping. Any thoughts?

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That doesn't sound good. Do you have any current pictures?


If its not latching, I would keep it in a basket hooked on to the side of the tank and try to target feed it daily. If it doesn't accept the food, smell it every day; if it starts to smell rotten, which is quite a horrible smell, remove it immediately. You don't want to risk this thing starting to deteriorate in your tank and kill everything.

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This picture is from a couple days ago. It's still holding onto the rock. Ive also covered it to keep the clown from molesting it 24/7. I'm pretty resigned to losing this one, but I'm still curious about what could have sent it down the death spiral.


As long as it's foot remains attached there should be a chance at a comeback, but it does not look good
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