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Hitchhiker algae ID


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It's not a bubble algae, it's flat and leafy. Kind of pretty but I know the pretty ones can be dangerous lol. Any ideas?


Really hard to tell from the picture. Could it be ulva? That's the only green kind that color that is flat and leafy that I know of.

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I don't think you're going to be able to positively ID it until it grows out some more.


Just based on what I can see, I'd be leaning towards something like Neomeris or Codium.


Personally, I'd probably scrub it off and do a 5 minute H2O2 dip on the plug below the blasto and not worry about it any more.

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It does resemble the start of ulva, I guess I'll let it grow in a little more. It's competing with a forest of halymenia, lol.


Will keep my finger on the peroxide button tho jic!


Thanks everyone!

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