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Cultivated Reef

Need info concerning Algae on live rock.


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I bought a 7 gallon Aqua One Reflex 26 about a week ago. It is my fist saltwater tank. I also bought 4 piece on mixed live rock and a sand substrate. The live rock is supposed to be free of pest because on the long duration that the LFS told me that had it. It was in and area where water is always running off it. I used the saltwater that the LFS supplied me, which is mixed with salt and has bacteria in it. One of the pieces of live rock has some kind of Algae on it. Can anyone identify it, is it dead or alive, is it something I should try to remove or it can be consumed by the clean up crew?
Thank you.
P.S. This is my first post on this forum. If I did not post in the right area someone please advise me so I will know for next time.


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This forum is good for algae ID but you might do better in the beginner forum. Looks like some kind of filament algae. Common in newer reefs or areas of higher flow/nutrients.


It may die off, looks kind of dead from the looks of it but that stuff can come back. Just keep an eye on it. Siphon out as it hopefully disintegrates, lol.


My tank is pretty new too, just a month old. Just focus on your parameters (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia)...even if everything is perfect you will get algae, as you can see from this pic from a couple weeks ago, lol. And that was with "perfect" water quality.


Your tank will possibly go brown, then green, then you'll get a possible explosion of micro fauna--all on and off for a while until things stabilize.


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