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Strange behavior from a Royal Dottyback


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So Sunday I drove 3 1/2 hours to pick up some corals. I also left with a Dottyback. I have one quarter sized spot of hair algae left in my tank. The Dottyback has claimed this spot of algae for himself. If any shrimp, hermits or snails go near his patch he rams/headbutts them. He grabs the shrimp by the antenna and drags them out of his patch......Now for the strange behavior. He has started rubbing himself on this patch of algae. Not constant rubbing just when he is making his rounds. He swims by it and kind of throws himself into it. This is my first SW tank, but I have kept FW for years and years. I am familiar with Ich in FW and I see no signs of it on him. He is eating well, and enjoying life. I feel my parameters are as near perfect as can be in a Spec V. I have attached some pics.


Parameters, I keep my salinity at 1.023




The patch




The fish, both of his sides and fins look clear of Ich




Anyone have any experience with dottybacks?

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Could be a number of things from a irritated spot due to fighting to a number of diseases. Probably just need to watch and see what happens. If he's the only fish you're probably fine to leave him in the tank but if some type of disease develops you may have to remove him and treat in a separate tank.

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