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Innovative Marine Aquariums

#5g. from Bulgaria


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10% WaterChange once a week , cleaning the skimmer cup. Carbon change once a month. Every day I'm dosing KZ ZeoStart3 to feed the bacs. After every water change I'm dosing KZ ZeoBac. The water parameters are ok.

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10% WaterChange once a week , cleaning the skimmer cup. Carbon change once a month. Every day I'm dosing KZ ZeoStart3 to feed the bacs. After every water change I'm dosing KZ ZeoBac. The water parameters are ok.


Keep in mind everyone is going to have their own opinions but here is what has worked for me in the past.


First off where are you getting your water from (LFS, make it yourself, etc) and what brand is your salt? If their (or your R/O) isn't working correctly, silica (silicon dioxide) could be present in your water which diatoms feed heavily off of. Also I am not super familiar with the Zeo stuff but I would recommend to stop adding anything at this point.


Once you have verified your water source isn't the issue, take the smallest hose you can find and use it to physically suck out as many diatoms as possible during your next water change. I would highly recommend doing a 50% water change each week for the next 3 weeks (siphoning out as much as you can each time). After that you should be good to go. I hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Tomorrow I'm gonna start the fight against bryopsis algae. I tried to tear it up from the stones...after 10 days everything rises again. My parameters are stable, all of them, but nothing....:(
So I bought Fluconazole and start to dose it - 9 mg/liter for 15 days, mixed in tap water. I 'm gonna remove the skimmer cup temporally and we will see . What do you think about this strategy?
Left side view:


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1 hour ago, ekimov said:

Tomorrow I'm gonna start the fight against bryopsis algae. I tried to tear it up from the stones...after 10 days everything rises again. My parameters are stable, all of them, but nothing....:(
So I bought Fluconazole and start to dose it - 9 mg/liter for 15 days, mixed in tap water. I 'm gonna remove the skimmer cup temporally and we will see . What do you think about this strategy?


I think Your problems start from your water source, You never mentioned it besides using tap to mix your Chemical. Im assuming your using tap water instead of Ro/Di. This along with an extended Photoperiod will Encourage your algae growth. Whats your Photoperiod like and water source?


I think I see more than just bryopsis in your tank.


my 02 cents



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The lamp is 6 leds x 3 watts =18 watts. (Cheap one-there is no controler, maybe that's the problem, but all the corals are growing, I don't know.)
The photoperiod is: Begins with 30 mins. only blue diods,after that 7 hours all the 6 diods, and then 30 mins only blue sunset. That's it.
I'm using only Ro/di water-0.00 TDS. Sorry.


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Just now, ekimov said:

The lamp is 6 leds x 3 watts =18 watts. (Cheap one-there is no controler, maybe that's the problem, but all the corals are growing, I don't know.)
The photoperiod is: Begins with 30 mins. only blue diods,after that 7 hours all the 6 diods, and then 30 mins only blue sunset. That's it.
I'm using only Ro/di water-0.00 TDS. Sorry.


your photoperoid is reasonable and your using a good  water source,


 it Will help others

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Many reefers have reported great success with consistent fluconazole dosing and consistent cleaning/water changes.  Sometimes lights out for a couple days can help too.  Corals will be fine with just a couple days of no lights (but no more).

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54 minutes ago, Lula_Mae said:

 Sometimes lights out for a couple days can help too.  Corals will be fine with just a couple days of no lights (but no more).

Yes, this is the last thing that I'm gonna do before fluconazole treatment. Hope it works...:(

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40 minutes ago, ekimov said:

Yes, this is the last thing that I'm gonna do before fluconazole treatment. Hope it works...:(

I hope so too!  I've never had bryopsis (*knock on wood*) but I know it's an uphill battle, at least as bad as hair algae!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, This is 9th. day from fluconasole treatment, and I'm so happy that the bryopsis algae has gone. I turned on the skimmer today and will wait 4-5 days then will add carbon and do some WC .


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  • 3 weeks later...

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