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Pod Your Reef

1 gallon (.33 gal fuge, .66 gal tank) update!


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All of the sps has shown nice growth. I'll try to dig up some of the older photos, but I lost my hard drive recently so it may not be possible.

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The little fella in the center experience some pretty significant dieback a couple of months ago when I introduced some sexy shrimp. They took to standing on it 24/7 and actually started picking at it. Since the removal of hte shrimp it has completely recovered and expanded nicely. The birdsnest int he front has slow growth, but shows good polyp extension and the color has remained stable since it's intoduction.

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I got this little quarter sized fungia at a local store. It's never really had great colors, but I love it for what it is.

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I have some really nice pieces of htis bright flourescent green tunicate in the large reef tank at work. I managed to find a small piece for my pico (center and partially covered by the shroom). The sps at the back originally had no branches. It was basically just a single finger. Note the nice new growth comming out up by the top and there are also some new branches forming ont he base.


The littel yellowish frag to the left was added about a week and a half ago. In the right light is has a slight lime green tint to it. The parent colony is in my 4 gallon round.

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Here is the view fromt he right hand side. sorry about the blurryness. The little acro off to the right went in about three weeks ago and is doing nicely. Neither it nor the parent colony tend to extend the polyps too far during the day.

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1 gallon total volume bowfront glass tank.

2 x 13 watt 50/50 pc lighting

rio 300 PH

25 watt heater

Natural sea water (25 % change per week)

1 L battery driven autotopoff system.

no fish

2 hermit crabs

1 astrea

1 nassarius


misc corals (I still need to do some ID etc)

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If you mean the blue tipped acropora that's just to the left of the fungia I believe it's Acropora loripes though I can't be 100% sure. I still need to take the time to find the names of the rest. It's a bit of a juggle with gradschool to find the time to get al of the genus species, but definiely something that will be worth the effert when I get the time.

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Ahh that one. I have no clue LOL. So far I haven;t been able to find out. It was the first sps I put in there as well. The tips of the polyps are actually very light green.


If anyone can tell me what it is that would be great.

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The first of hte two threads I linked in the firts pos have the construction of the tanks etc., but here's a quick pic of it with the tope offf as it is today. Oh and everything you see is hand made. All the lwires going to the tank are completely hidden when the top is on. The wires etc you see in the background are for my computers etc at work. I need to deal with them at some point hehe.

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Yeah I think that's the one that Pomby was asking about. I have no idea what it is. A local dentist donated a 100 gal reef tank to the public wing of the place I work. There were a bunch of these that had reproduced and were on the acrylic. I removed em and saved some for the big tank and snagged a smaller frag for myself. I have no clue what it is, but would love it if someone could ID it. I have considered the possiblity that it may be a species of porites, but havn't been able to confirm that.

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