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Coral Vue Hydros

Reefing on a Budget, Why Expensive Equipment Isnt Needed


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I have mp10's, rw4, and wp10's. I have had no luck with longevity of the the jaebo's staying quiet... husband is making me swap one for a mp10 because he can't stand the noise of the jaebo. Mp10's can be noisy too but mine are silent at lower settings and slightly audible at max.


Everyone's mileage may vary.

i feeel ya, my r8's are at 100% and if you really try and hear it you can but thats at at 100% . i think the lights, fan and everything else helps keep it to sound pretty quiet.. My gf hates the return pump and skimmer sometimes so i cover all the pumps in food grade rubber mats and sponges then zip tie them so keep down on vibration. i have sicce and eheim compact which get the best on the quiet scale without spending crazy money . Its the "motor noise" she says but i really dont hear much some people just have like super sensitive hearing to some sounds

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The point I wanted to make is that expensive equipment dosnt guarentee easier Reefing. I removed expensive top of the line equipment that have all the bells and whistles for a simple setup that is easy to maintain and yields the exact same results. As everyone knows if something is complicated and a pain to do maintenance on you won't do it. I wanted a super simple setup with good quality equipment that is affordable, looks good, and is simple to use.

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Her is my maintinace schedule



-dose brs soda ash and sodium bicarbonate mix

-feed coral/fish



-5 gal water change w/coral pro salt

-check alkalinity/ adjust dosing as needed

-check gfo reactor



- change gfo

-change chemi pure elite


As Needed

-change filter sock/only use on one side other side has a bag full of rubble rock as a small refugium for copeopods.

-clean sediment out of rear chambers

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  • 3 weeks later...

I month update:


I just got in my jebao dc 2000 return pump to replace the original pump and my jebao rw4. I wanted to get a cleaner look with a closed loop style setup without a pump in the display section. Its been running for a weeks now and with great results. The corals are responding and growing great. I did add back my ghost skimmer and mini max media reactor so i could do bi weekly water changes and still keep my water clear. Overall the system is doing amazing.

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The point I wanted to make is that expensive equipment dosnt guarentee easier Reefing. I removed expensive top of the line equipment that have all the bells and whistles for a simple setup that is easy to maintain and yields the exact same results. As everyone knows if something is complicated and a pain to do maintenance on you won't do it. I wanted a super simple setup with good quality equipment that is affordable, looks good, and is simple to use.



Who said it does? The manufacturers :P


I think most would say that more equipment = more control and more room for errors in terms of build quality and manufacturers warranty which = more chance of knowing when things are going wrong, although this mostly applied to things like the Apex which I don't own. For comparison on things like powerbeads and return pumps, I think most would agree they all get the job done. From what I've learnt over the past year is the cheap equipment works. Pricier equipment may yield more output per penny but the selling point for me is absolute silence. I couldn't be happier with my Vectra L1 and Panhta Rhei! Sure those items alone cost £700 but I hate noise. This has absolutely no bearing on the effort in reefing, but personally I enjoy a very quite aquarium, especially when I'm sat with it for 12 hours a day in my study!

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i was actually thinking of purchasing the coral box doser which is a jebao brand and a one head model is only 50$

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  • 2 weeks later...

Budget minded reefers please take a look at my 20l tank in my sig! The key is to start off with as little as possible and bump up from there! This tank kind of went in the oppisite direction! My tank uses a cheap harbor freight return pump, chinese black box and a wp10! That's about it! Growing everything from zoas to sticks! It's different strokes for different folks!

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Dc2000+Ghost Skimmer+ Reactor


So..... $70+$150+$100 more, not really budget lol. Plus the RW4, plus the other stuff :lol:

Hahah, but compared to his original equipment list I'd say he is doing good. And I thought spending only $2,200 to set up my 75gal was a good deal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

LOL i have done the same type of things but with diy invovled as well.


Real budget


Diy lighting 60 on leds 60 on t5ho 120 for lighting in a odessey fixture I had laying around.


30 dollar used marineland 27 cube derimmed tanken apart and resiliconed. silicone 10 dollars 40 for tank


diy overflow box made with table saw and arcylic glue 25 and 5 dollars for return nozzle 30 overflow


rw 4 new at 50 bucks my mp10 failed but going to replace with another rw4 100 powerheads


used cad lights pls 100 leaked from collection cup 80 dollars plus silicone to fix problem 5 bucks 85


jeabo doser 80 bucks


used mag 5 from lfs 15 dollars and 2 jager heaters 50


Total for rimless 27 gallon 550 give or take soon to add a reef keeper lite for 150 brings me to 700 but with a controller. without 550


Not bad for the decent quality and up to par performance items with good constant params and water quailty.

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