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Funny happenings in my tank over the last 2 days.




I have some caulerpa nummularia in my tank, that has stuck around in small amounts for the last 12 months. It is especially noxious and most fish hate it/won't touch it. Including my Yellow Tang (who eradicated most of my other algae such as bryopsis). And the runners are very fragile, and weave deep into the rockwork, so it's very hard to remove by hand unless you let it grow out first.


2 days ago I got a beautiful magnificent foxface, I was worried he might get picked on by the Yellow Tang at first. But they seem to enjoy each other's company. Within hours he was slurping down the runners. The Yellow Tang was watching very closely.


Soon after my Yellow Tang was eating it also.


They are now swimming around from rock to rock together and eating the caulerpa nummularia together.



Guess he just needed somebody to show him how

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My little male copies his mate the Female and does whatever she does. Wherever she goes, he goes. If she bites a rock, he bites a rock. If she is checking me out then so is he. They are very funny ?

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That stuff is really pretty looking. Too bad it is spreading like that, I would have considered having some in the back of my display.


It would look alright in a macro algae tank. But it out competes every other type of algae I've had

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It would look alright in a macro algae tank. But it out competes every other type of algae I've had

I had that in the 40b. IMHO, it might be the best display macro you could hope for. It grows fairly slowly, in pretty condensed bushes, and when it gets too big you can just prune it back by yanking the clump. I think it adds a very natural look without going overboard/invasive.




But if you don't like it in the display it could be a PITA... glad you're getting rid of it if that's the case.


And fish are ridiculous, I liked that story.

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