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Coral Vue Hydros

Could use some lighting suggestions for 40 Gallon Tank


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Hi all,


Let me start off by saying I am completely new to Marine tanks. I have had FW tanks for several years and would like to set up a reef tank. I have been looking at the lighting options for several days but have yet been unable to make up my mind as to what I need. I almost settled on MH but then I ran across another post where somebody mentioned their MH washed out their Actinics. Since I like the effects that the Actinics give I would like to use those as well.


But how much is too much? I don't know what types of corals I would like to keep but I want something I won't have to upgrade later. Can I/Should I get a 400w ballast and run 2x 200w bulbs on it? Is that too much light? Will I be able to use Actinic with it and get the visual effects I want?


If you were setting up a 40 gallon tank what would you use? Somehow I get the feeling that I just couldn't put enough Compacts on there to get enough light. Even if I could, I wouldn't get that rippling water effect you get from using MH's.


Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Thanks in Advance!


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For a 40, I'd go with something in the neighbourhood of 2 X 250w MH's. That way you should have enough intensity and spread to cover the tank and let you keep anything your heart desires.




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Wow! thats 12.5 Watts per gallon! And I thought 4-5 watts per gallon was alot!


I see people talking about 10,000k and 20,000k bulbs... Which would be best to use? Will I still be able to use Actinic with that much like or will it even be noticed?


Thanks for your input btw!


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depends on what dimensions the tank is but imo one 250W is plenty (i think two would be over kill) maybe through in some actinic tubes or a t5 or p/c

soley for the kelvin range it gives you


im actually in the process of setting up a 40g for my brother

im going to use a 150w mh (14K) might add a p/c for the blueness but i think its plenty of light for such a small tank

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Watts per gallon is extremely outmoded. As an example..my new 15 will have roughly 26.7 watts/gallon. That falls under "overkill" in my estimation, but I've got the 400w halide lying around, so why not? lol I don't think we can ever truly approximate the full intensity of the tropical sun over a reef environment..we can only get close. The reason I suggest two MH bulbs over that tank is that a MH bulb only effectively covers a 2'X2' area (hence my comment about "spread" above). You could go with dual 150's...but why not just shell out a bit more and get the 250's?


As far as supplementing the light with VHO's, PC's, T5's, NO's or flashlights...lol...I wouldn't worry about it. Especially if you go with MH bulbs in the 10,000-20,000K range..they've got plenty of spike in the "magical" 480 nm range for all your corals happiness.




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like i said depends on the dimensions


for example my brothers 40g tank is only a little bit over 2' so

two 250's just wouldnt fit (easily that is)

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Originally posted by FAC_WNY

You could go with dual 150's...but why not just shell out a bit more and get the 250's?  


Err....is it just me or does anyone ever take into account electricity bills anymore these days? 500 watts instead of 300, that'll mean almost double the electricity bill....


i seriously think that there isn't a need to go overboard on lighting....300 watts would be more than enough for a 40 gallon and u can pretty much keep all the corals u want....just remember that lighting isn't everything. And besides....the money u save on electricity could easily go back to getting more corals (IMHO)



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Watts doesn't mean everything. Its PAR that matters....Thats why I'm going w/ a 150 watt de over my 29g. It is the same amount of light as a 250 watter, but with less electric cost. Plus, if you do the regent mod (which looks fairly easy), it is the cheapest I have found.



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DE stands for "double ender".


Dimensions are key! A 40BRD is much shallower than a 40std, therefore much better light penetration.


My advice is get the best system you an afford......DO NOT SKIMP! More people on this board have started with one thing, cuz it was cheaper and then switched to MH down the road. In the end, my MH system cost me $85 more than it would if I have started with it.


As for too much light and electricity issues.......the idea of this hobby is to set up a mini ecosystem in your living room. If want to keep softies, LPS, and a couple of the low light SPS......PC's are fine. However, if you want SPS......and SPS that have the vibrant colors, you need at least VHO/T5 (if the tank is shallow enough) and MH is preferred. VHO's are good lights, but need to be replaced every 6 months so the $$ spent on bulbs sucks......T5's are great and last a long time, thus the shift in Europe and now hear toward them. MH are, and probably will always be in common useage in this hooby.


Samc - are you saying that a 150W DE has the same PAR as a 250W DE? I've read that the 250W DE's have more PAR than 400W SE's......So, a 150W DE has more PAR than a 400W SE?

Not calling you out, just most people I've talked to say to spend the $30-50 more for the 250W DE over the 150W DE. Is there a study your citing (AKA Sanjay's articles)?

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i believe he meant that a 150w de is about the same as a 250w se

and if im right im guessing yuore setting up a 40 gal breeder?

so id say go with 2x150w de

the only problem with de's is the cost

the bulbs and ballasts are generally more expensive then your normal se bulbs

as for the color, if you want a hint of blue but not too blue without actinics use a 14K bulb, if youre gunna use actinics id use 10K

good luck


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The tank is 36 inches long by Approximately 18 inches in height.


Am I correct in thinking I can get a 400W Ballast and hook two 150's up to it? Or will that overload the bulbs? These kinda questions might sound stupid but I really don't know all that much about electronics so I am trying to learn all I can so I can DIY.


I will be mounting this all in a DIY Hood so my original thinking was 1 Actinic, 2 65W 6500K CF's, and 2 70W 10,000K MH.


Am I on the wrong track here? The plan was to set the lights on different timers and gradually step up the lighting then back down before they shut off and the moon lights kicked in.


Thanks again.


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Ah, a 40breeder, very important! Otherwise I would have said 2x150watt double ended (for a 48" long 40L). For a 40 breeder, a single 250watt double ended would be perfect, in fact it is what my cousin uses over his. Unless you plan on using something other than a 10,000K bulb, if you use a 14-20,000K bulb you might as well go with 2x250wattDE...to make up for the lower output of the bluer bulbs.

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I am saying that a 150 watt de has about the same amount of light (PAR) as a 250 watt se. I haven't read any articles mentioning this exactly, but many comments here and on reef central. I also agree that the 250 watt de has the same amount of light as a 400 watt se. I would go with two 150 watt or 250 watt de bulbs, for the 40g breeder.



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I think it all comes dowm to ballast+bulb combos. I can think of a few 150 watt DE combos that wouldn't have as much as a 250 watt se. I can also think of a few 250w se combos that have way more than a 150 watt DE could ever dream of. Know what I'm saying? Theres so many variables in the equipment being used and compared that it just makes everything silly. I like using the comparison charts on RC as a good guidline (and those articles that sanjay has written are great resources too.)

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Yeah, I understand what your saying, and how their are so many ballast/bulb combos that some combinations put out more light than others, even though both are 150 watt or 250 watt combinations. Go with what UTR said-a single 150 or 250 de pendant (I got mixed up in my previous post and thought the breeder was the long).



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