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Bacteria bloom?


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I recently started a new biocube 29g. I started the tank with live sand and about 22lbs of live rock with some growth from my LFS. The cycle was short and fast as to having already live rock. I added a cleaner crew of 5 hermit crabs, and 1 skunk shrimp about 5 days in. At about that time I changed the filter media from bioballs to sachem matrix, and chemipure blue. About a day later i noticed small particles suspended in the water, making the water slightly cloudy and white but still very clean water, originally thought it was sand I stirred up but when I shut the pump the particulates just suspended and would not sink. I added to clownfish in this time. I tried sachem clarity with no luck. After some research I concluded it is most likely a bacterial bloom. Throughout this Amm-0, Nitrite-0, Nitrates <20, Salinity 1.025. So I did a 15% water change, siphoned some hermit crab poop, and started a UV sterilizer. All fish and inverts very happy and active.

Does anyone has any suggestions or ideas on what this might be. I have slight algae growth on rocks, but nothing out of control or on sand or glass.

Thank you,


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Very well could be... bacterial blooms are usually caused by an imbalance in some type of bacteria... A situation is created that allows certain bacteria to grow faster.


They usually clear up on their own and unless they're severe usually don't cause any harm - though can cause reduced oxygen in the water. This can be mitigated by increasing gas exchange.

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