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refugium display advice


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I want a side display refugium that will be slightly lower than my display tank..can this be a simple overflow then a return pump at bottom of the tank? Easiest way to do this please

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I am thinking about using a MAME overflow from my 10g to a mr aqua 7.5 gallon cube as a diplay refugiam with a skimmer. Other idea is to use a canister filter from the display to the refugiam and return pump from the refugiam back to the display. If the canister filter dies though it would cause me to overfill the display so maybe not best option

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I am thinking about using a MAME overflow from my 10g to a mr aqua 7.5 gallon cube as a diplay refugiam with a skimmer. Other idea is to use a canister filter from the display to the refugiam and return pump from the refugiam back to the display. If the canister filter dies though it would cause me to overfill the display so maybe not best option


The canister idea would never work, it would be impossible to make the two flow rates 100% equal all the time.

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