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"Night Mode" Suggestion

davy jones

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Hello, I am using the bluefish mini on one of Daves ATI retro units, but i opted not to do a separate moonlight channel.


My suggestion is this (which shouldnt be too difficult to program in) Have a setting for On and Off for night mode, Right now my night starts at 10pm, and the blue channels come on to .3% But they run until morning which is set as noon for me. What would like to see is a setting that turns the main lights out at 10, as i have it set, then a separate setting to turn on moon lighting from say 1130 until 3am and then off until the lights come on.


I understand its a lot to ask for but i figured if its a setting i would like to see others would like to see it as well :)

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Not possible at this time. Spencer is working on specific time control for channels, but I don't know when it will be an official feature.

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Not possible at this time. Spencer is working on specific time control for channels, but I don't know when it will be an official feature.


I was just posting as a possibly future update! Not a huge deal as i can just change the setting every couple of weeks to not have moonlighting (not the same but i suppose it works for my purposes)


Also i would be willing to assist as a beta user for any new roll outs if needed, I have t5 hybrid lighting so if for whatever reason the app makes the LED's not work i can rely on t5's or reinstall the main app. Let me know if thats something you need! if not then forget i said anything lol

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I believe that beta participation requires beta hardware, as well, as the chip that tells the Electric Imp card what device it is (Bluefish, Mini, some other thing) is different for production and beta, and each talks to different EI servers. Not sure if Spencer is able to mark someone's account as a beta participant and have the hardware pull from the correct servers, that would be something he would need to answer.

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