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Pod Your Reef

So I moved, 2 salt tanks so far.


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I just had like 8 buckets for the two tanks. Took out the fish in one bucket for each tank and then took out the live rock in other buckets and water. The detritus in the year and a half old tank was sooo bad and kicked up. The younger tank about eight months old or something didn't have much detritus. We were too tired to move everything and I wanted the detritus to settle. We didn't have any fancy bubblers or heaters and left them in the buckets over night. ? we've all been sick. The next morning we put the rocks back in and turned everything on and let it settle while we went to the next city to get ten gallons of premade salt water. Everything lived!!! I couldn't believe it. So we put the fish and shrimp, snails and hermits back in. That was Sunday and Monday and the tanks are clear. The shapes are different, very much so. In my old tank there's a layer of detritus all over the sand bed. I can't use the usual siphon to get it out. I'm goin to have to use some kind of airline tuning or something, I don't know. It's a mess to look at. We topped off with fresh salt water and they are all alive today. I can't believe it!!!

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My next move is this weekend. I'll be moving a 30 gallon fresh water planted tank filled with Rasboras and two six inch angel fish. I am not looking forward to this move. I don't want my fishes fins to get torn up.

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