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Cultivated Reef

I need light advice.


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I have a 50 gallon tank which is more on the longer side. It came with two units which sit on each side. Each of these units hold one T8 actinic bulb. I've been told you want the combination of blue and white lights for reef tanks but I only have 2 slots available. I recently put a blue T8 on the right and a White T8 on the left. Will this method work? Any advice would be appreciated. By the way my tank is a FOWLR but one of the rocks came with a mushroom coral. I would like to keep it alive.

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LOL!!! I can only guess why you put a blue on 1 side and a White on the other but whatever floats your boat! As for the mushroom put it under the blue side, the fish couldn't care less if they have a light over their heads, daylight or room light its for your aesthetics. If you decide to get more corals and be succsseful your going to need to figure something else out, in the meantime consider your mushroom as an invasive weed and enjoy it before it takes over :)

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If you absolutely cannot get another fixture I'd go with white on each side. Save your pennies and at least get a fixture with more bulbs. You will want corals at some point so you will need more light. Controllable led's are the way to go imo.

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ya id say that you should just buy a marineland LED bar... pretty cheaply priced, and has blue and white LEDs across the whole thing... i wouldn't use them to grow corals, but they can.... they're mainly for looks and lighting up the tank properly, if its a FOWLR then lighting shouldn't be an issue, lighting won't matter really...

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